Saturday, July 01, 2006

Bombay photography

{dis blog was written when i was in }

The news paper today screams, that a huge photographer, has launched his new company about Corporate photography...

I, though am a journalist, I work quite in a corporate culture - which means there is a time to check in and check out. I swipe cards and the sort.

All the men and women look the same.... all in formals and all in front of computers - Glass cabins, conference rooms and the sort.... For a while i have been thinking of how to shoot the same people and yet make a story with the image.

ah... I guess i have just answered my querries. I think that the one thing that could make an image good is the story... !!

added in 2010 - Crap... I have done a lot of corporate shoots now... its not the story... there is no time for story... its the graphics in your mind and how you place the subjects in a frame is what makes great pictures... course the timing and hence the light matters.


urs_crystal20 said...

Nice work!!!!

urs_crystal20 said...

Nice work!!!!